Enabling GEOINT accuracy through geodetic, geophysical and photogrammetric sciences and content.
Commercial Imagery orthomosaic products (CI Regional Orthos) are orthomosaics made from unclassified commercial satellite imagery. The orthomosaics are formatted to 30 minute x 30 minute cells, have a sub-meter resolution (0.5m - 1m), and can be either RGB (pansharpened) or Panchromatic.
CI Regional Orthos are used for feature extraction, mission planning, training, visualization, evacuation planning, disaster relief and recovery, and many other activities. While the imagery is unclassified, it's use and distribution is governed by the NextView licensing agreement. All imagery is copyrighted.
CIB is a seamless database of controlled imagery that has been orthorectified and radiometrically balanced with a horizontal accuracy of 15 meters or better circular error 90% (CE90). CIB shows orthorectified land surface at the resolution of the selected product. CIB is produced and available as CIB01 (1-meter resolution and CIB05 (5-meter resolution). Considered a very important foundation based product, CIB is used by mission planners, FEMA, and in cockpit displays. It has been used for feature extraction and imagery registration.
DPPDB is an accurately controlled stereo image based product with support data and CADRG (Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics). It is used widely as an accurate image layer supporting a multitude of geospatial initiatives, such as feature and terrain extraction, scene visualization, and a control source.
Merged Cell Triangulation (MCT)
The result of efforts to improve the
accuracy of imagery datasets, MCT is a triangulation process merging layers of Adjusted Mapping
Support Data (AMSD) files resulting in unprecedented accuracy in support of precision
coordinates derived from imagery.
Enhanced Controlled Image Base (ECIB)
ECIB is the next generation of
CIB. When available, ECIB will have the ability to utilize multi-spectral imagery and output as
a colored or panchromatic ortho-mosaic. ECIB will be available as 0.5 meter, 1 meter, and 5
meter resolutions.
NGA products can be downloaded using the Map of the World (MoW) "Download NGA Products" plugin.
Allows visualization via the IC Portal or ArcGIS desktop (download). After selecting the link below, additional viewing options may be available by following the link under the "Map Contents" heading.
CIB Overviews Frames |
IC Portal
REST Endpoint
CD, Overview, and Frame outlines for CIB01, CIB05, and CIB10. Imagery dates are included in attribution. After opening the map, select the "(MoW) CIB Overviews Frames" link and then check the box next to the desired product. |
CIB Products |
IC Portal
REST Endpoint
CD, Cell, and Frame outlines for CIB01, CIB05, and CIB10. Imagery dates are included in attribution. After opening the map, select the "(MoW) CIB Products" link and then check the box next to the desired product. |
DPPDB Documents
MIL-PRF-89034 Ammendment 2 (03 Aug 18) | This ammendment forms part of MIL-PRF-89034A dated 12 Februray 2013 |
ECIB Documents
Mil-PRF-32466 | Draft System Specififation for ECIB (23 June 2013) |
Mil-PRF-32466A | Draft System Specififation for ECIB (20 June 2017) |
Product Specific Guidance | ECIB 0.5 Meter / ECIB 1 meter Production Guidance for Contractors |
CIB Documents
MIL-PRF-89041 | CIB Performance Specification (15 May 1995) |
MIL-PRF-89041-Amendment 1 | Amendment #1 to CIB Performance Specification (31 Jul 1995) |
MIL-PRF-89041-Amendment 1A | Amendment #1A to CIB Performance Specification (28 Mar 2000) |
MIL-STD-2500A | NITF version 2.0 (12 Oct 1994) |
MIL-STD-2500A Notice 1 | Notice of Change #1 to NITF version 2.0 (7 Feb 1997) |
MIL-STD-2500A Notice 2 | Notice of Change #2 to NITF version 2.0 (26 Sep 1997) |
MIL-STD-2500A Notice 3 | Notice of Change #3 to NITF version 2.0 (1 Oct 1998) |
MIL-STD 2411 | Military Standard for RPF (6 Oct 1994) |
MIL-STD 2411 Notice 1 | Notice of Change #1 to MIL-STD-2411 (17 Jan 1995) |
MIL-STD 2411 Notice 2 | Notice of Change #2 to MIL-STD-2411 (16 Aug 2001) |
MIL-STD 2411-1 | Companion document to MIL-STD-2411 and contains all registered data values referenced in the standard (30 Aug 1994) |
MIL-STD 2411-1 Notice | Notice of Change #1 to MIL-STD-2411 (16 Aug 2001) |
MIL-STD 2411-2 | Integration of RPF into NITF (26 Aug 1994) |
NGA Public Affairs
Phone: 571-557-5400
Office of Geomatics
Phone: 314-676-9162
Last modified: 02-Jan-24